Explaining SPH
SPH stands for sales per hour. That is per agent hour.
If one agent can make one sale per hour, the call center will tell you that they are getting a 1.0 sph (sale per hour) for that agent. So usually, you will have multiple agents working. Then, in your report, you will see an average sph across all the agents. It is important to ask to see the agent specific detail. You will generally find 3 groups - above average, average, and below average. What you want to do is help the call center either improve the performance of the below average group or remove those agents from your project. You need to look over several days of data, because every agent will have a bad day from time-to-time.
This way, you might be able to move your average SPH from a 1.0 to a 1.25 sph. When you are doing hundreds of hours per day, that can really make a difference.
Let's see how that might play out financially.
For simplicity, let's say that you get a hourly rate of $25 per hour and you are running a campaign that run 100 hours per day. Your daily expense is $2,500. Let's say that the call center runs at an average of a 1.0 SPH. For the day, you would get 100 sales, with each sale costing you $25 each. If you could get the call center to improve their SPH to a 1.25, then the daily sales would equal 125 sales and your cost per sale would be $20 each. That becomes a significant savings over time.
If one agent can make one sale per hour, the call center will tell you that they are getting a 1.0 sph (sale per hour) for that agent. So usually, you will have multiple agents working. Then, in your report, you will see an average sph across all the agents. It is important to ask to see the agent specific detail. You will generally find 3 groups - above average, average, and below average. What you want to do is help the call center either improve the performance of the below average group or remove those agents from your project. You need to look over several days of data, because every agent will have a bad day from time-to-time.
This way, you might be able to move your average SPH from a 1.0 to a 1.25 sph. When you are doing hundreds of hours per day, that can really make a difference.
Let's see how that might play out financially.
For simplicity, let's say that you get a hourly rate of $25 per hour and you are running a campaign that run 100 hours per day. Your daily expense is $2,500. Let's say that the call center runs at an average of a 1.0 SPH. For the day, you would get 100 sales, with each sale costing you $25 each. If you could get the call center to improve their SPH to a 1.25, then the daily sales would equal 125 sales and your cost per sale would be $20 each. That becomes a significant savings over time.