ICMI - The Best Training Seminar I Ever Went To
Brad Cleveland, CEO of ICMI
When I first started my call center back in 92, I knew very little about the specifics of what it took to run an inbound call center. One of the philosophies I have tried to follow in the various businesses I have run and started is that I try to become as knowledgable about the fundamentals of my industry as possible.
I had heard good things about ICMI and our inbound business was really growing. I really felt that a small improvement in our efficiency would easily pay for the cost of the training session. The major costs in an inbound call center are labor and phone expenses. If we could take more calls with the same number of people, then that just adds to the bottom line. But, on the other hand, if you commit to a service level that is too aggressive, you need a grundle of people sitting idle to hit those service levels and that kills your labor costs.
So anyway, I went to the ICMI seminar. Brad Cleveland was the instructor (Brad is now the President and CEO of ICMI - way to climb the corporate ladder Brad!). There were call center managers from around the country there and we were all given a big manual.
The instruction was clear and very practible. Brad was a dynamic and extremely knowledgable instructor. They gave us a bunch of tools that we could take back home and use. They broke down the math and explained such things as Erlang C and how to calculate staffing needs at a half-hour basis based upon call volume and length of call (talk time). We learned how to configure our ACD, how to properly schedule, how to forecast, how to communicate with others about call center realities and limitations, and a myriad of other useful items.
Besides training, ICMI also has an extensive library for call center managers as well as conferences and forums.
I have been to dozens of trainings for various things, but at the top of my list was the training I got from ICMI. They knew their topic and they knew what was important to us and they knew how to teach. I know I saved tens of thousands of dollars from being a more efficient manager scheduling my agents better because the training I got from ICMI. I got a return many time what the seminar cost me.
If you are a inbound call center manager, you are being neglegent in your progression if you don't attend one of these seminars. I guarentee you that you will find it valuable!