Reflections of a Call Center Owner

Friday, September 23, 2005

Tip on Measuring your Inbound Call Center Agents

I came across this good tip to measure (inexpensively) your agents' performance. I liked the phrase that was quoted:

"What you don't know, you can't measure, and what you can't measure, you can't improve."

Here is the tip:

Someone calls to the call center and the IVR picks up. Based upon some calculations, it decides that this call should or shouldn't go to the IVR after the call. When it should go to the IVR after the call, this is announced to the caller, and the caller need to confirm that he will participate.

Then the call is sent to the agent (who does not know whether the caller will be queried lateron) and when the agent clicks on hangup, the call is not hung up, but blind transferred to the IVR with the questionnaire.

The IVR asks its questions (how was the service, was the agent nice, etc.) and this data is lateron merged with the data from the call center. Which agent, what time, type of question, etc..

Now you know how your clients are thinking about you. And once you know - you can measure it - and improve it. Why not start off with sending me an e-mail to start a discussion about it?